VMRO philosophers propose three dates for Local Elections


VMRO-DPMNE called on the parliamentary majority Friday to create conditions for scheduling the local elections and enable mayors, municipal councils to function in the interim period.

‘We believe that citizens should get an opportunity as soon as possible to elect the new local government,’ VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Milososki told a press conference.

If the parliamentary majority is not ready for snap local elections, than the other acceptable terms are September 17/24 or October 15, he said.
Any attempt for unreasonable postponing the local elections would be unfavorable for the functioning of municipalities and thus for citizens’ interests, Milososki said.

It’s up to SDS to choose when the country can have elections. VMRO-DPMNE is just a bystander in all this, no information if Gruevski and his echelon of philosophers plans on sending vanilla cake to Zaev asking him to be nice and agree to elections.