Zaev announces building 480km of imaginary roads


A video posted by Zoran Zaev’s SDS party to celebrate the second anniversary of their seizure of power went viral online, mainly for such over the top claims such as the one about “building 480 kilometers of roads” across Macedonia.

Facebook users flooded the SDS party page to remind them that Macedonia is not even 300 kilometers across and that the stated number is not even close.

More to the point, the video actually begins with shots of the Kicevo – Ohrid highway, which is not only unfinished, but whose construction was actually stopped by the SDS in the first days after they took over. Zaev insisted that this highway, which along with the Skopje – Stip highway is being built by the Chinese Sinohydro company, are the result of criminal contracts and that the first one has fatal flaws in its construction.

All infrastucture projects which SDS presented in its video have begun construction under the previous, Nikola Gruevski Government, and many of them were virulently criticized by Zaev.