Zaev’s advisor for foreign affairs Dane Taleski has issued a stern warning to Iran, and no, this isn’t a joke. “Be wary of Article 5, once Macedonia becomes a member of NATO, the alliance is stronger and if we go back to Article 5, an attack on one, is an attack on all, Iran is in trouble” stated Taleski, somehow with a straight face.
Considering Macedonia can be conquered by my extended family, Iran should certainly be wary of the newest member to the Alliance and its army who just recently received 40 pairs of brand new boots.
As for Dane Taleski, he hails from Mariovo so lets hope Iran doesn’t google Taleski, because there goes Mariovo… If it’s up to us, a used condom like Taleski would be put on a flight and parachuted into Iraq at 4am, to help his strategic partner.

Meanwhile, NATO member Montenegro (this also isn’t satire) has debated and decided not to send its TWO (2) soldiers to Iraq. Looks like Milosh and Nemanja will enjoy their Christmas brake at home.
NATO being NATO again. Germany, Canada, Croatia, Bulgaria… have all removed their personnel from Iraq.