Zaev’s criminal junta going after people who support boycott of referendum


For the deranged criminal junta calling itself “Government” in Macedonia, publicly calling for boycott of referendum is now labeled as “Hate speech”.
Multiple people have been targeted by MoI (police) led by Proliver Spasovski, particularly after Government officials led by Kocho Tenderbeg Angjusev were humiliated in front of their guests from the US State Department on their visit to Krushevo.

It is interesting to note, many of the individuals who have received ‘hate speech’ charges also publicly speak for boycotting the referendum. This is certainly no accidental.

MINA finds at least 30 Macedonians have received an “invitation” to meet with police officials over “hate speech” at Meckin Kamen. Meanwhile, SDS journalists including SDS VP Muhamed Zekiri are calling for the murder of Macedonia’s president Gjorgje Ivanov, but their insanity is completely ignored by the public prosecution office and is protected as freedom of speech.

However, booing a criminal Government delegation is now labeled as “hate speech”!?
As Columbia professor Gorazd Rosoklija stated on August 2nd, the “hate speech” nonsense comes straight from the communist playbook to silence opponents.

These are the police invitations sent to Macedonians for booing the Governnment delegation at Meckin Kamen: