Zoran Zaev’s Government is facing collapse after BESA, the Alliance of Albanians removed their directors from all Government positions after the SDS decided to appoint Venko Filipce as the new Minister of Health, leaving AA’s Zijadin Sela without a ministerial position.
AA now has 2 MPs listed as “independent”, and 1 who changed teams and moved to DUI which essentially keeps the Government coalition alive, currently at 60 MPs – which means they have no majority in the 120 seat Parliament.
To complicate things further, the DPMNE is boycotting parliament and there isn’t a political party available that would brought up a no-confidence vote which would result in dismissal of Zaev’s government and early elections.
Macedonian political analyst believe the situation is quite serious considering the fact that the SDS can bring up a and pass a vote on any part of the Tirana platform. One of the analysts Aleksandar Dashtevski says that while the SDS can not pass any important laws (NATO, EU, name change…) for which 2/3rds of Parliament is required, they can still do much damage by implementing the Tirana Platform, such as the latest efforts by Zaev to remove the border between Macedonia and Albania and Macedonia and Kosovo.
“Zaev will be kept in power until most of the Tirana platform is passed, which include the federalization of the country. Then he will be removed because he will no longer be needed”.
Dashtevski believes the AA and BESA may enter in coalition with DPMNE, considering the broken relationship between Sela and Zaev and BESA and the SDS.
It was the three votes by Zijadin Sela which allowed Zaev and the SDS to form a Government. The challenge now is, should there be snap parliamentary elections, even bigger electoral fraud is expected with the SEC under SDS control which could easily result in Zaev getting 75-80 MPs. This of course will lead to the SDS unilaterally changing Macedonia’s name.