Former Gazi Baba mayor paid Є1.7m for light bulbs


The  former Mayor of Gazi Baba in Skopje Boris Georgievski signed several suspicious contract with companies that are supposed to provide lighting in this part of the city.

The first contract was signed in May with two companies and it’s worth 2 million EUR. But while the contract was still active, Georgievski signed another contract in August, with a different company, similar to the previous. DPNE spokesman Dimitar Arsovski said that the new contract is worth whopping 1.7 million EUR, and this time it’s to replace the light bulbs with new you smart LED lights.

All the funds were paid out promptly before the local elections, which Georgievski lost, Arsovski said. According to him, these contract need to be investigated immediately for corruption.

Градоначалникот на Гази Баба, Борис Георгиевски ослободил инвеститор од  плаќање комунали во висина од 2 милиони евра“ –