Craziness continues: Kicevo – Ohrid highway now cost €10m per km


According to the new projections by the Zaev cabinet, the Kicevo – Ohrid highway will cost 10 million EUR per kilometer, if it’s finished in 2023. This is the third time where the Government has drastically increased the price tag for the construction.

The 57 kilometer highway, that is being built by the Chinese Sinohydro company, broke ground in 2014 for a price tag of 375 million EUR. But immediately after violently being installed in power in 2017 Zaev ordered a stop on all work, insisting that there is “corruption and incompetence” in the project.

After many delays and false starts, as well as renegotiations with the Chinese, the highway now costs just under 600 million EUR, and the deadline is extended until 2023. So far, very little to no work is being done on it.