In order not to offend Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias, the criminal Macedonian junta posing as “Government” covered the 16 ray sun of Kutlesh, located at “Hotel Prestol”, about 30 meters from the place where today Kotzias met with his colleague Nikola Dimitrov – shows a photo published by citizens on social networks.
Ohrid resident Pavel Doneski reacted angrily to the latest humiliation by the criminal government considering the fact the hotel is a privately owned property.
This comes at a time when Greek customs officials are ripping Macedonian license plates from visiting tourists.
Previously, Dimitrov ordered the airport store “Macedonian Wines” to be covered as well.
Update: After our report, residents in Ohrid (possibly the owner of the hotel) removed the ridiculous cover placed by Dimitrov’s team. Kotzias in the end did see the flag without collapsing in agony in the process.