VMRO-DPMNE said that it will not support the proposal to legalize same sex marriage in the Parliament, after a bill was proposed by DUI member of Parliament Branko Manojlovski. Meanwhile, SDS deputy party leader Muhamed Zekiri was condemned by NGO groups and by other SDS members of Parliament after he posted the Quran hadith which condemns homosexuals to Hell on his Facebook page.
“Marriage is a union of a man and a woman. That is how it has always been, and that is how it should remain. Without any debate, without submitting any arguments in favor of their proposal, SDS and DUI tried on Monday to plant a proposal to legalize homosexual marriage in a way that can lead to future adoption of children by same sex couples. This was not part of the program of either of these two parties and the citizens did not vote or it. VMRO-DPMNE supports individual liberties and the free expression of sexual identity in accordance with the existing laws”, said VMRO-DPMNE member of Parliament Blagica Lasovska.
Lasovska said that Macedonia is a traditional society that preserves its family values and that the DUI proposal is against the wishes of the large majority of citizens. According to Lasovska, it is concerning that media outlets close to the SDSM-DUI led majority in Parliament recently carried an article that called for accepting pedophilia and defining pedophiles as a marginal sexual identity group.
It is not known why a sunni muslim political party would propose legalizing gay marriage, considering Zaev had promised the US, Dutch and German embassies he would implement such law. This appears more of a strategy by the trio western Embassies to have an ethnic Macedonian within DUI make the proposal and take some of the burden off from the SDS who are already deeply in trouble. The US, Dutch and German embassies’ staff in Macedonia are overwhelmingly homosexual and lesbian and have never hidden this fact. The three embassies often fly the LGBT flag at their compounds, have promoted and financed gay and lesbian agenda in Macedonia for over 10 years.
Meanwhile, recently appointed SDS deputy party leader Muhamed Zekiri, who is an Islamic theologian, caused what appeared to be manufactured uproar after, in apparent response to Manojlovski’s proposal, posted the hadith from the Quran that is widely seen as condemning homosexuals and calling for them to be stoned or otherwise killed.
Several NGO groups such as the defunct Helsinki Committee and the LGBTI Support Center condemned Zekiri’s Facebook post. “Homophobic statements from current members of Parliament who degrade the LGBTI community with discriminatory language and hate speech are contrary to the reform orientation that is the stated goal of the new Government. We expect that these comments are punished and that political parties refrain from the public statements by their members which are contrary to the Constitutional principle of equality among all citizens”, the Helsinki committee said in its press release. SDS member of Parliament Aleksandar Kiracovski said that the party does not share Zekiri’s positions and that they are his own, personal opinions.