Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest nations is undergoing presidential elections and with it a referendum where the public was asked whether the country needs to insert a clause in their Constitution whereby Moldova must become a member of the EU, and cannot entertain any other options (ex: BRICS).
Moldovans with 81% of the vote counted rejected the notion of joining the EU, with the numbers of those who opposed the EU steadily increasing with each vote counted.
But then, a funny thing happened. The official Moldovan state election website suddenly went offline, and stayed offline for hours. When it finally came back to life, the results were tied at 50% apiece, with the “in favour” camp taking a sudden lead by 80 votes. Sounds familiar?
🇬🇧🇲🇩 A Moldovan citizen arrived in Moldova, went to vote in the country's presidential election and found that the UK had already voted for him.
— Peacemaker (@peacemaket71) October 21, 2024
The incident occurred with a man called Alexander Nikolaevich in the town of Tvarditsa in the Taraclia region of the republic.