Macedonia’s MoI issued a statement on the incident involving Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani at the Skopje airport.
Osmani refused to allow her phone and luggage to be scanned, and that only happened after protests, while an incident followed half an hour later when for unknown reasons Parliament Speaker and Osmani’s friend Afrim Gashi dispatched his personal security detail to “assist her”.
Gashi’s policeman had took out his gun and threatened airport security. Very soon, the incident grew as backup police arrived and pointed their guns at Gashi’s security. According to insiders at MoI, Kosovo’s president had a bag full of cash and a gun, this is why she refused to have her bag scanned and was hoping through her friends’ (Gashi) assistance she could go unchecked.
The policeman sent by Gashi has already been suspended from his job, clearly mentally unstable who pointed a gun at other policemen in order to assist someone else commit a crime at the airport. The policeman will also be prosecuted by the Court for endangering the lives of passengers and Airport employees.