Levica seeks audit of Shilegov’s mayorship of Macedonia’s capital


    Ex-mayor Shilegov is no longer mayor of Skopje, but the harmful results of his work, the people of Skopje will linger for a long time.

    Petre Shilegov did not waste time, he rushed to sign the contract for New Year’s decoration of Skopje worth 240,000 euros given to Link Media, but he did not have the time to sign the decisions for subsidizing the salaries of the employees in the city enterprises.

    Apart from the worrying fact that the employees in the public enterprises will not receive a salary due to Shilegov’s lack of diligence, the fact that the salaries of these employees should be subsidized is also frightening. Another question is how did these companies go from very profitable to being essentially bankrupt in just 4 years?

    That the situation in the public enterprises is desperate is shown by the fact that after a report from citizens, the mayor Danela Arsovska personally reacted to the shift manager in the PE “Communal Hygiene” to clean the garbage from the streets in Skopje, while the city is drowning in it.

    Levica’s councilors in the City of Skopje demand a complete audit of the work of the former mayor Shilegov!

    We also appeal to the Mayor Danela Arsovska to sign the decisions as soon as possible in order for the employees of the public enterprises to be able to receive a salary, to initiate a procedure for determining responsibility for the desperate situation of the public enterprises, as well as to take concrete measures to stabilize their financial situation.