Macedonian police to no longer use rubber bullets and tasers


The new MoI staff has proposed that rubber bullets and tasers be removed from utilization among Macedonian police. This decision was originally brought in by DPMNE in 2015 in their passionate effort to copy everything that’s wrong with the United States and the rest of the western world.

The introduction of tasers encouraged trigger happy policemen to taze individuals for just about anything, because it’s considered “non-lethal” force, despite people dying from heart failures in the process.

The SDS police now says old proven tactics will be used to subdue protesters. The SDS in their report states “physical force will be encouraged”, in other words, beat people senseless with batons like in the good ol days.

DPMNE and SDS policing

DPMNE’s policing of protesters was catastrophic in 2015 and 2016 during the colored revolution. Vandals and thugs (including foreigners) were allowed to vandalize public and private properties which included setting on fire of the president’s office. Protesters were allowed to block ambulances from getting to the hospital, policemen were pelted with bricks, drug addicts were camping in front of Governnment HQ… no individual was ever arrested… namely because of DPMNE’s strategic partnership…

As a comparison, in 2017, the new SDS police has already put their police force on communist footing and does not allow any form of protests. During US Army’s self invitation to the country, protesters were not allowed to display any sort of banner even when they were hundreds of yards away from the event. During Kotzias visit, a group of protesters were quickly pushed back by police 100m away from the MoFA building.