Croatian handball player Denis Tot, who was taken to the Skopje Emergency Clinic on Wednesday evening, has died.
There were multiple conflicting reports by media with ties to the ruling SDSM party and Macedonian Police that Tot had died from a heart attack. Incredibly, doctors from the KARIL clinic said that Tot did not have visible signs of injuries, and that the cause of death will be determined by an autopsy.
The waitress who founds Denis Tot laying in the park stated for the media that he had visible injuries to his body!
Today, the autopsy proved the statement of the waitress. The Croat was struck in the head multiple times, which contributed to the swelling of his brain and ultimately to his death. He was just 27 and he played for the Butel club.
MINA finds two of the perpetrators have been arrested while the third is at large. The question remains, why did the Macedonian police (even the doctors) lied and attempted to hide the murder, did the Croatian Embassy intervened in this case? Are the perpetrators close to the ruling party?