Macedonians continue with Boycott of Fabricated Census 1.69m “registered” near the end


A total of 1,695,549 persons, 526,605 households and 752,916 apartments were counted until 8 pm on Monday in Macedonia’s 2021 Population and Housing Census, according to the State Statistical Office on Tuesday.

These are the alleged numbers despite the quorum party DPNE extending the census registration by 5 days! Legally, and officially the census ended on September 25th, but they are still “counting”, there is even talks of extending it, again!

Keep in mind, there are 1.88m residents who vote, which means over 350,000 residents under the age of 18 are unaccounted for!

199,819 citizens who live abroad have submitted their applications online so far.

Today is the 24rd day of the 2021 Census and there are still two days of census activities to go.