Macedonian presidential elections – After 1pm Observers left polling stations


Field reports keep arriving from at least 30 polling stations in several towns confirming that there are no voting observers present. This occurred after 1pm, which coincides with the intercepted communication between SDS officials when should the ballot stuffing begin! OSCE is nowhere to be seen, local and US financed NGOs have all left their polling places. At polling stations in Tetovo, Gostivar, Saraj, Kondovo… there are zero observers, individuals working for the SEC have alse left!

Who is sending data to the SEC when there are no SEC officials at polling places? Keep in mind the SEC is run by the DPNE.

Since 1:30, 2pm there are no voters… not a soul in sight… Where are the votes coming from?

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Stevo Soros is leading Goga Soros by 30,000, DPNE keeps providing votes to increase attendance…

There are no voters… not a soul in sight…

Current results show the overwhelming refusal and boycott of the citizenry to legitimize the presidential elections. As we reported in the past, and recent communication by SDS officials clearly revealed the plan to stuff ballot boxes should the turnout remain low heading into the afternoon. Below are the results in various towns at 10am. We predict there will be massive spike (ballot stuffing) in these towns after 2:00pm.

Herding the tribe in Chair to vote… These are 40-50 votes, the other 10,000 will come via ballot stuffing…