Due to the high rate of new Covid-19 cases, the Commission for Infectious Diseases yesterday proposed new measures including a ban on all events, ordering all businesses to close by 23:00 hrs, and public transportation capacities to be reduced by 50%. The authorities assure that there are mechanisms to deal with the virus, but in no case will decisions be made that will harm the economy.
Today, there were additional 594 covid-19 cases in Macedonia, breaking all previous records.
The introduction of a curfew is not considered yet, but all options are open in case the situation worsens.
The Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, stated yesterday that he expects the new proposed measures to be considered by the Government on Monday, while the previously proposed measures require certain legal changes.
Those include mandatory wearing of face masks outdoors, a ban on groupings of more than four people after 22:00h and a ban on home visits of more than four people.
The Minister hopes that these proposed measures will reduce the risk of transmission of the virus, although, as he said, a serious percentage of new cases cannot or do not know where they got infected.