Nimetz confirms: Name, identity, and history will be negotiated


Apart from the name issue, there are other “auxiliary” issues that will be the topic of discussion at the upcoming meetings with the Macedonian authorities, said longtime US mediator Matthew Nimetz for Greek national television.

– There are other auxiliary issues in addition to the name issue, such as its use, the issue of identity, something that is a cause of serious concern by the northern neighbor, and we all need to be extremely sensitive about it. There is concern in Greece, on issues of history, ownership of historical heritage, textbooks. These additional questions we know are important, but I think there are solutions for them, says Nimitz.

Such a statement by Nimetz ahead of the scheduled negotiations that should start on Wednesday throw a new light on this dispute and the government’s willingness to make huge concessions to Athens so that the ultimate solution is not only the change of the name, but also the complete change of the identity of Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

Although Zaev urges the entire Macedonian public that the identity is not a topic of discussion, however, ratifying the agreement with Bulgaria, where we gave up our history and language in favor of Bulgaria, as well as the Macedonian minority living in the territory of Bulgaria, does not give optimism that the identity is not part of these negotiations.

Also interesting in this statement is the possible shift in history and textbooks in favor of Greece. The procedures planned for by the Zaev government are almost the same as with Bulgaria. Change and acceptance of almost all the conditions set by the other side are aimed at a final shameful disfiguring of Macedonia and the Macedonian people.

Nimetz in his speech on the Greek National Television also points out that there will be no new name proposal, but it will be a proposal from some old solutions that were previously mentioned in the past.

  • Mnr Mfa


    The General Assembly,

    Taking into considerations that “the Former Yugoslav
    Republic of Macedonia”, admitted into to the United Nations membership in 1993,
    by the Resolution 47/225, upon recommendation of the Security Council
    Resolution 817 (1993), had been until present day recognized by the enormous
    majority of United Nations members by its Constitutional name and that
    negotiations with Greece over the State’s name didn’t yielded in any

    Considering Articles 2 (particularly par.1,4,7) and
    4(1) of the Charter of the United Nations,

    Heaving in mind also
    the General Assembly Resolutions 113/II of 1947 and 197/III of 1948, and
    particularly the Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice
    delivered on 28 of May, 1948, relating to inadmissibility of preconditions for
    membership outside of the scope of the exhaustive conditions of Article 4(1) of
    United Nations Charter,

    Reaffirming that every state naturally has an inherent right
    to a name and that determination of the state’s names represent the subject of
    their sovereign domestic jurisdiction,

    Reaffirming also that state’s names, as a legal identity of
    international subjects is essential element of their juridical personality, and
    their statehood,

    For the purpose to resolve the long term unusual and unacceptable
    membership status of the state member of the United Nations, issue originated
    from the unusual admission resolutions stipulating preconditions outside of the
    scope of the exhaustive conditions of Article 4(1) of the Charter of the United
    Nations, and for the purpose to protect the order of the United Nations and
    particularly the legal representation in the United Nations System,

    Decides to extend the membership of the state provisionally
    referred as “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” under its official
    constitutional name Republic of Macedonia.

  • Betty Liebowitz

    Here are the reasons why the name and identity of “Macedonia” should at least be shared between the 2 countries and not monopolised by one or the other..

    Ancient Macedonia was originally a Greek region and Ancient Macedonian was a Greek language (the Pella Curse tablet proved this).

    The ancient Macedonians considered themselves Greek (participated in the Greek-only ancient Olympics, believed the ancient Greek Gods of Mt Olympus, etc).
    It is true that some Athenians looked on these ancient Macedonians as backwards barbarians, but this was a regional rivalry and bias when ancient Macedonia was threatening Athens
    (today’s “Macedonians” use this excuse to claim ancient Macedonians were not Greek!)

    Alexander the Great spread the Greek language in his conquests, not Slavic.
    Hence all ancient findings, artefacts, tombs, etc can be read and understood easily by any Greek of today but not by any of today’s “Macedonians” who speak a Slavic language!
    It wasn’t until 650 AD that Slavs settled in the northern parts of Macedonia, 1000 years AFTER the ancient Greek Macedonians of Alexander the Great!

    Since the 7th century, Macedonia has been an ethnically mixed region of Greeks in the south and Slavs in the north (and minorities of Turks, Albanians and Jews).
    The Slavs desire to monopolise the name ‘Macedonia’ is seen by Greeks as distorting the ethnically mixed history of the region.

    From the 7th to the 19th centuries, the Slavs of Macedonia identified as Bulgarians (the language and culture is the same). It is only since the late 19th century that a separate Slav
    “Macedonian” identity has developed.
    The so-called “Macedonian” language is simply a dialect of Bulgarian that developed as a separate language only in the last 120 years!

    Even today, when Bulgarian and “Macedonian” diplomats meet they are never accompanied by translators because they speak almost the same language!

    Many of today’s “Macedonians” argue about the “rights of self-determination” (to call themselves what they like), however, this ignores the “self-determination” of the northern
    Greeks who identify as Macedonians too and have nothing to do with their Slavic northern neighbours as far as history, language, culture and identity.

    With a longer history in the region, the Greeks have at least an equal claim to this self-determination, which shouldn’t be monopolised by a people who arrived later in the region!

    Many of today’s “Macedonians” also claim “there were no Greeks in Macedonia before 1912”. This is also incorrect as Ottoman census clearly show Greeks were in the majority in
    southern Macedonia areas such as Halkidiki, Kavala, Katerini and Serres.
    Thessaloniki was a mixed city but with more Greeks than Slavs.

    It is true that central areas such as Florina, Kastoria and Kilkis had more Slavs and they were forced to speak Greek after 1912 (today’s “Macedonians” use this issue to argue about Greek abuses), however, there were also some Greeks in northern areas (Monastiri/Bitola, Melnik,
    Stromnitsa) who were also poorly treated and forced to move to Greece.

    Over 1.5 million Greeks from Anatolia (today’s Turkey) were also forced out of Turkey in 1922 by the Turkish army, and they settled throughout Greece, including Macedonia.

    Today’s “Macedonians” falsely claim that ALL of today’s Greeks in Macedonia come from this 1922 resettlement. They do this to persuade that they are the original inhabitants!
    This is incorrect, as the original inhabitants are the Greek Macedonians of the southern areas.
    The Slav Macedonians came later, and of course the Greeks from Anatolia came later still.

    Some “Macedonian” extremists claim the southern half of Macedonia in a “United Macedonia” (despite the fact it is ethnically Greek). Some also claim Alexander the Great was a Slav-Macedonian which is historically incorrect and ridiculous!

    Many organisations in FYROM proudly display “Greater Macedonia” extending all the way down to Mt. Olympus and the Aegean Sea, statues of ancient Greek Macedonians Alexander
    and Philip have been erected in Skopje, and thousands chanted “Thessaloniki will be ours” at the Alexander statue inauguration.
    These extremists are the ones who falsely claim there were no Greeks in Macedonia before 1912, and their intention is to kick all Greeks out of Macedonia if they could!

    A geographic qualifier such as “North Macedonia” or “New Macedonia” is the best solution to what is now an ethnically mixed region divided between 2 different countries.

  • Betty Liebowitz

    Here are the reasons why the name and identity of “Macedonia” should at least be shared between the 2 countries and not monopolised by one or the other..

    Ancient Macedonia was originally a Greek region and Ancient Macedonian was a Greek language (the Pella Curse tablet proved this).

    The ancient Macedonians considered themselves Greek (participated in the Greek-only ancient Olympics, believed the ancient Greek Gods of Mt Olympus, etc).
    It is true that some Athenians looked on these ancient Macedonians as backwards barbarians, but this was a regional rivalry and bias when ancient Macedonia was threatening Athens
    (today’s “Macedonians” use this excuse to claim ancient Macedonians were not Greek!)

    Alexander the Great spread the Greek language in his conquests, not Slavic.
    Hence all ancient findings, artefacts, tombs, etc can be read and understood easily by any Greek of today but not by any of today’s “Macedonians” who speak a Slavic language!
    It wasn’t until 650 AD that Slavs settled in the northern parts of Macedonia, 1000 years AFTER the ancient Greek Macedonians of Alexander the Great!

    Since the 7th century, Macedonia has been an ethnically mixed region of Greeks in the south and Slavs in the north (and minorities of Turks, Albanians and Jews).
    The Slavs desire to monopolise the name ‘Macedonia’ is seen by Greeks as distorting the ethnically mixed history of the region.

    From the 7th to the 19th centuries, the Slavs of Macedonia identified as Bulgarians (the language and culture is the same). It is only since the late 19th century that a separate Slav
    “Macedonian” identity has developed.
    The so-called “Macedonian” language is simply a dialect of Bulgarian that developed as a separate language only in the last 120 years!

    Even today, when Bulgarian and “Macedonian” diplomats meet they are never accompanied by translators because they speak almost the same language!

    Many of today’s “Macedonians” argue about the “rights of self-determination” (to call themselves what they like), however, this ignores the “self-determination” of the northern
    Greeks who identify as Macedonians too and have nothing to do with their Slavic northern neighbours as far as history, language, culture and identity.

    With a longer history in the region, the Greeks have at least an equal claim to this self-determination, which shouldn’t be monopolised by a people who arrived later in the region!

    Many of today’s “Macedonians” also claim “there were no Greeks in Macedonia before 1912”. This is also incorrect as Ottoman census clearly show Greeks were in the majority in
    southern Macedonia areas such as Halkidiki, Kavala, Katerini and Serres.
    Thessaloniki was a mixed city but with more Greeks than Slavs.

    It is true that central areas such as Florina, Kastoria and Kilkis had more Slavs and they were forced to speak Greek after 1912 (today’s “Macedonians” use this issue to argue about Greek abuses), however, there were also some Greeks in northern areas (Monastiri/Bitola, Melnik,
    Stromnitsa) who were also poorly treated and forced to move to Greece.

    Over 1.5 million Greeks from Anatolia (today’s Turkey) were also forced out of Turkey in 1922 by the Turkish army, and they settled throughout Greece, including Macedonia.

    Today’s “Macedonians” falsely claim that ALL of today’s Greeks in Macedonia come from this 1922 resettlement. They do this to persuade that they are the original inhabitants!
    This is incorrect, as the original inhabitants are the Greek Macedonians of the southern areas.
    The Slav Macedonians came later, and of course the Greeks from Anatolia came later still.

    Some “Macedonian” extremists claim the southern half of Macedonia in a “United Macedonia” (despite the fact it is ethnically Greek). Some also claim Alexander the Great was a Slav-Macedonian which is historically incorrect and ridiculous!

    Many organisations in FYROM proudly display “Greater Macedonia” extending all the way down to Mt. Olympus and the Aegean Sea, statues of ancient Greek Macedonians Alexander
    and Philip have been erected in Skopje, and thousands chanted “Thessaloniki will be ours” at the Alexander statue inauguration.
    These extremists are the ones who falsely claim there were no Greeks in Macedonia before 1912, and their intention is to kick all Greeks out of Macedonia if they could!

    A geographic qualifier such as “North Macedonia” or “New Macedonia” is the best solution to what is now an ethnically mixed region divided between 2 different countries.