Venezuela FM: CIA & Pompeo behind torched Aid Trucks in False Flag Attack


Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza suggested that the United States was behind the burning of a truck carrying US Aid which made international headlines, blaming Secretary of State and former CIA boss Mike Pompeo for staging a false flag. 

“The CIA expert in false flag operations, Pompeo, thinks he can fool the world with a truck set ablaze by his own agents in Colombia,” said Arreaza over Twitter on Saturday.

Venezuelan television host Jorge Gestoso echoed Arreaza’s sentiment, tweeting that the “burned trucks with humanitarian aid is another attempt to “provoke the invasion” using a “fake news” false flag.

Pompeo took to twitter to denounce “Maduro’s refusal to let humanitarian assistance reache #Venezuela,” asking “What kind of a sick tyrant stops food from getting to hungry people?”

Tensions have reached a boiling point at the Venezuela’s border crossings, including a violent shootout near the border with Brazil that left two dead and 17 injured when national guard soldiers opened fire on a group of civilians attempting to control a segment of the southern border with Brazil.