VMRO-DPMME member of Parliament Dragan Danev said that the announcement of Talat Xhaferi that he will lead sessions of Parliament in Albanian would be realization of one of the items from the controversial Tirana platform. VMRO-DPMNE does not recognize Xhaferi as a new Speaker, even as he now holds the Speaker’s office and expects to be named in the Official Gazette next week.
“Talat Xhaferi said that he will make the Albanian language official throughout the entire territory of Macedonia, and that the Macedonian Parliament will be the third Parliament in the Balkans where sessions are led in Albanian. According to the Ohrid Agreement, members of Parliament can speak in their native language, if it is spoken by more than 20 percent of the population, but sessions are conducted in the one official language of the country, which is Macedonian. With his announcement, Xhaferi laughs in the face of Zoran Zaev, who insulted his own people only to have Xhaferi unlawfully elected as Speaker of the Parliament. Zaev remains silent over the previous provocation, when Xhaferi posted Albanian flags in Speaker’s office”, said Danev.
Danev called back to a previous statement by Zaev that the Macedonians need to be prepared to bend their spine, and said that that is precisely what SDSM is now doing, with regard to Macedonian national interests. Danev added that Zaev’s statements that Macedonians are the same people with the Bulgarians and the Serbs, given in two separate interviews with journalists from these respective countries, indicate that future concessions are coming.
SDSM responded to Danev’s press conference with a press release saying that the international community welcomed the election of Xhaferi as Speaker and that everything was done in accordance with the Constitution and the laws. SDSM calls on VMRO-DPMNE to be a constructive opposition to the new, SDSM led Government, and accused Danev and VMRO-DPMNE of raising tensions in the country.
VMRO continues with their gutless all talk no action Ghandian style of politics which has brought them nothing but trouble.