Zaev’s first interview turns into a disaster, no surprises


Appearing more as a scared puppy than a prime minister of a country, Zaev held his first interview at MTV’s studios, and what an interview it was.

We don’t believe any of the viewers were surprised by the discussion, at least if you’ve seen Zaev speak at any point during the past three years.
What the prime minister said last night, two days ago, or two months ago of course is no longer valid. Today, it’s something new. At the same time, in a span of few seconds time Zaev would once again change his stance even though the question remained the same.

Lets begin.
The 260 minimum salary
Bombastically announcing a minimum salary of 260 euros just few days ago, Zaev now backed out of it and promised a debate on this in the next few years. Not an increase in the next few years, but a debate on it.
Days before taking over the PM slot, Zaev also promised an average salary of 500 euros, yet he pays his employees in Strumica 150 euros/month!

No provocations towards Greece?

During the interview Zaev stated Greece would let Macedonia join NATO under the UN acronym, but only if we stop our provocations towards Athens, says the man who received a 1m euros hacienda on the shores of the Aegean sea, courtesy of the Greek Government.

Zaev added the name can be resolved very quickly only if Macedonia stops provoking Athens.
Needless to say, many were unhappy by Zaev’s statements, including journalist Naum Stoilkovski.

Zaev also discussed changing Macedonia’s taxation laws, which at this time are considered Europe’s best and lowest, an example to other countries who have already begun copying and implementing them.


To make matters worse, the new Prime Minister has surrounded himself with people who have served jail time, which is perhaps fitting considering Zaev himself spent time in jail.

Zaev’s new cabinet chief was announced today, and it is Mirjana Janeva who spent time 1.3 years in jail for stealing money and money laundering. That makes her the 7th person in the Zaev led Government to have been convicted for money laundering or stealing from a state entity.

It appears it is a requirement for an individual to have been convicted of major crimes to serve in Zaev’s government.