DUI’s Osmani: Summer Sale, next up is the name


Deputy Prime Minister Bujar Osmani said that the Government will fully focus on resolving the name issue with Greece, as a means to advance its Euro-Altantic integration. Osmani, who is in charge of European integration in th Government, said that his visit to Germany later on Tuesday and his later visit to Athens, as well as the visit of the Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias to Macedonia at the end of August, all serve the same goal.

“This issue is becoming a priority for the Government. We already resolved to major issues – the law on the languages and the treaty with Bulgaria. Now we have the energy to focus on the name. We expect to have many friends on the way and that is why the entire activity of the Government is in communication with all the states as well as with our southern neighbor and other neighboring countries. We want to close these issues and to fundamentally break toward Euro-integration”, Osmani said in a press statement ahead of a breakfast with Ambassadors from Balkan countries.

Osmani added that, in light of the friendship treaty with Bulgaria, there are talks with Bulgarian Foreign Minister Zakharieva to hold a meeting of countries – friends of Macedonia in Sofia, where Macedonia would present its plans for reforms.

“It is very important that the three countries that hold the subsequent presidency of the EU, Bulgaria, Austria and Romania, have interests in the region and don’t want it to remain a black hole in EU and NATO and they will raise our issue high on their agendas. It is very important for us to catch this momentum and to return the EU focus on us and deliver. And if we deliver, naturally the EU will deliver too”, Osmani added.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that he is satisfied with the implementation of the 3-6-9 reform plan, despite the slow progress of work in Parliament, adding that most of the changes do not require changes in the laws. Osmani said that a third of the measures were already implemented in the first month.

  • R_U_Jhoking

    Yep. They will not stop until the country is destroyed and there is no one to stop them.

  • Its Just Me

    I do not think this will go down so easy…. as they think.. I mean, the Albanians surely do not care, but Bulgaria and Greece will want a piece too. “not geographic”, not “north” not”south” not “east” not “west”… Until all they are happy, we could be in the next war. Forget Korea.
    The other matters went easier, cause it was internal.. But this one is the big deal.. The big cake everyone wants to eat.. So if we don’t protest, the neighbors certainly certainly will not just watch. I bet!!!! 🙂

  • Wolf

    Zaev will take away the Macedonian name to make the Greeks happy. The Euro atlantic integration will not happen. Nato will not happen. And EU will get rid of our free visa travel for macedonian citizen’s. Which means EU members wont be able to travel to macedonia. The EU dont even care about Macedonia. Think about it. If Zaev allows 200 thousands migrant to move and live and allow them Macedonian citizenship and give them passports. Well THE EU will close the door really fast.

    The people of Macedonia need to protest. Without fear. We are proud. We can beat Goliath.

  • Its Just Me

    Absolutely agree with Wolf,, that is so true.
    And the EU does not care for us, while Zaev is just selling us.
    Not admitting us in EU, due to the “name”, was just an excuse to keep us out. The EU says “we are devoted, we support you..” but the president Juncker said “not in many years”. Basically – NO EU for us. He actually said there is a MORATORIUM on EU Entry (read it here) https://euobserver.com/tickers/137187

    We need to protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest protest