Third rate Slovenian diplomat who left his Slovenian wife and two children to marry an albanian working girl from Kosovo who rose quickly through the ranks by sleeping with the right people, has encouraged the Macedonian Government to implement the language law and ignore the legal framework, constitution and the president of the country.
The EU has a lengthy history of sending morally bankrupt and dubious personalities in Macedonia. Whether it is Irish pedo Erwan Foure who slept with 15 year old boys, or homosexual Aivo Orav who had noted relationship with ethnic Albainans in the Macedonian Government, to the latest trash out of the EU, Slovenia’s Samuel Zbogar who is considered the most morally bankrupt individual in his own country, according to Slovenian media. And one can see why, as EU ambassador to Kosovo, frequented brothels and ended up marrying one of his clients.
Today, Zbogar is EU’s ambassador to Macedonia despite being personally compromised by being married to a woman from Kosovo, who openly sent a wave of terrorists to attack Macedonia in 2001.
According to him, the implementation of the Law is very important for improving interethnic relations. Zbogar is of the opinion that the implementation of this Law does not in any way jeopardize the Macedonian community, in fact it will help them.
We reached out to Zbogar’s office to find out what substances he is on, but received no response.
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