The new Macedonian Government is something to aspire to, particularly for all those who can’t read and write. You too can become a Macedonian Government official, ask Zaev, Sela, Spasovski, Xhaferi …
The new Government officials have a tough time filling out their bios, putting down what their occupation is, but thanks to people like Ziadin Sela, you can just say that you are a “Specialist”, what sort of specialist, well that’s up to you, the reader to decide. Sela could be a key-maker, terrorist is a specialty too.
The new police chief, Oliver Spasovski isn’t sure how to put down his age. “40 i pol”? Did this man complete 4th grade?
Unlike the quislings in VMRO-DPMNE who spoke multitude of languages (English, German, French…), the quislings in SDS are also multi lingual. Xhaferi for instance speaks: Macedonian, Albanian, Serbian, Croatian, Serbo-Croatian, Bosnian and some Bulgarian.
Meanwhile, SDS sent their math wizard Sarachini to a debate with Andov on Kanal 5 where he explained how SDS and DUI got 740,000 votes. According to Sarachini, 430k + 130k, you carry the 2, move the 1… = 740k.
There you have it, this people are now in charge.