The MOC countered the head of MOC Stefan, Zaev and his anti-state policy for changing the name of the Republic of Macedonia, stands in defense of the name of the state. The Synod appeals to the state institutions to preserve the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the constitutional name, the identity, the language and the unitary character of the state. Namely, with the decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the MOC from 2017 published in the official newspaper of our Orthodox Church a decision was made with which the MOC stands in defense of the name of the state, its identity, language and unity of the Republic of Macedonia.
The Macedonian Orthodox Church mentions that they reaffirmed their conclusions and immutable attitudes that refer to the immutability of the constitutional name of the Republic of Macedonia, the constitutional position of the Macedonian language, the unitary character of the Republic of Macedonia, and not to deviate from the Macedonian national identity.
MOC’s treasonous head, Stefan, known for his frequent meetings with the US Ambassador and for sending an illegal letter (not signed by the Synod) asking the Bulgarian Church to oversee the MOC was quiet for the entirety of the meeting.